BREDL comments on DOE’s consent-based siting and federal interim storage Mar 7, 2022Comments

Mar. 07, 2022: Working in communities in the Southeast since 1984, we are well aware of radioactive waste initiatives going out to potential waste dump communities. The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League was founded because of one such program, the DOE’s Crystalline Repository Project and interim Monitored Retrievable Storage Site. We have continually opposed such radioactive waste dumps wherever they are proposed, including Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Likewise, we oppose so-called consolidated interim storage schemes.

For decades, the transfer of liability from private hands to public entities has been the underlying factor driving nuclear waste site legislation. The assumption of this liability by the people via a government agency is a transfer of wealth from poor to rich. Therefore, we see no just application of informed consent to the imposition of a nuclear waste legacy lasting millennia.

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