Introduction to Strategic Planning by Bill Moyer
There is nothing mysterious or complicated about strategic planning. It is based on common sense. In its simplest form it can be summarized by four basic questions: What is our organization’s purpose? Where are we now, in relation to our purpose? Where do we want to be (at some point down the road)? And how do we get from here to there?
BREDL sends letter to NC DEQ Secretary regarding June 30, 2021 discharge of 1,4 dioxane
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League urges the Department to consider the enactment of emergency, temporary, or permanent rules that require the following:
- Testing and analysis be performed after a spill has been reported/detected, including the recommended time frame for such testing.
- That water providers notify their users of discharges/spills immediately.
- Additionally, that water providers notify users immediately of any detection of unregulated chemicals, as well as detection of other contaminants that exceed the regulatory limit.
- The Department should post the results on the DEQ website and send out notices to their media/interested parties lists.
Riverneck-Kingsburg Pipeline Project, Public Notice No. SAC 2019-01427
Dear Mr. Wenerick:
On behalf of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League and its members in South
Carolina, I write to provide comments on Dominion Energy’s proposed Riverneck-
Kingsburg pipeline project, PN # SAC-2019-01427. These remarks will supplement the
comments filed today on our behalf by the South Carolina Environmental Law Project
In sum, we oppose the granting of the nationwide permit, NWP-12, for this project. Also,
we hereby request that an extension of the comment period be granted and that a public
hearing be held on this matter.
Small pipeline, large worries for some S. Carolina residents – ABC27
PAMPLICO, S.C. (AP) — The land agent who arrived at Reatha Jefferson’s door in May, unannounced and unmasked in the middle of the pandemic, told her he was giving her one more chance.
The agent was there on behalf of Virginia-based utility giant Dominion Energy. He wanted to see if Jefferson would let Dominion run a new natural gas pipeline through the land her great-grandfather, a rural Black farmer, had bought more than a century ago in Pamplico, South Carolina.
Jefferson sent the agent away and in July, the utility served her with court papers in an attempt to use eminent domain to build the pipeline.
BREDL Report: Union Hill: Real Property, Racism and Environmental Justice
Today Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League and its Buckingham Chapter, Concern for the New Generation, released a new report: “Union Hill: Real Property, Racism and Environmental Justice,” which reveals a history of subversive policies, in Virginia and nationwide, which severely limit the ability for African Americans to build wealth.
BREDL Comments to NC Utilities Commission
BREDL calls upon the NC Utilities Commission to reject the Integrated Resource Plan submitted by Dominion Energy North Carolina and require a cleaner, smarter plan. And we support similar calls…
Small Nuclear Reactors
Clinch River Nuclear Site is located in Roane County, Tennessee, about 25 miles from Knoxville. In 2016 Tennessee Valley Authority submitted an application asking for approval of its Clinch River…
BREDL submits comments to EPA regarding Draft PFAS recommendations
The EPA interim recommendations for addressing groundwater contaminated with PFOA and PFOS needs to be expanded to include all PFAS as a class. Any talk of cleanup needs to examine previous industrial sites that probably emitted/discharged PFAS chemicals. All areas of PFAS contamination – soil, surface and ground water, air and food – need to be properly addressed. In addition to the class of PFAS, short-chain replacement chemicals that convey similar health impacts – such as GenX – also need to be included.
The federal government is hell-bent on fast tracking projects that harm the environment. For a change, how about fast tracking a plan that will clean up the entire class of PFAS contaminants and their short-chain replacements?
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