Supporting Vulnerable Communities of All Races
Environmental Justice
- Clean air, water and soil for all
- Government transparency and citizen input to proposed local development
- Corporate and industrial toxics emissions
- Elimination of nuclear weapons (program since 1997) “#Target 2045”
- Community pollution
- Healthy local food and access
- Pandemic adjustments
- Environmental racism and racial equity
- Heired Properties
- Landfill and toxic dumping
- Utility cost equity
Climate Change
- Safe and Clean Energy
- Replacing nuclear, coal and gas fuel sources
- No false solutions such as biomass, bridge fuels
- Apply EJ principals to clean, renewable energy sources
- Energy and transportation efficiency
- Land Use & Abuse
- Urban Sprawl
- Biodiversity
- Loss of wildlife
- Deforestation
- Consumption patterns
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- All Issues
- Citizen Input for Local Development
- Clean Air, Water and Soil
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- Community Pollution
- Eliminating Nuclear Weapons
- Environmental Justice
- Land Use & Abuse
- Racism and Racial Equity
- Safe and Clean Energy
BREDL expresses our concern in a letter to NC DEQ Secretary Biser regarding the Chemours Total Organic Fluorine (TOF) method report
Transferring a pollutant from one medium to another is a virtual shell game
Jun. 06, 2022: The Chemours facility has caused massive pollution in the Cape Fear region and the pollution is ongoing. Thousands of people have been impacted.
Citizens Urged to Attend the People’s Hearing at Hannah Pamplico High (
A public forum will be held at Hannah Pamplico High School, 2055 S Pamplico Highway, on Saturday, May 21 at 1pm to discuss the proposed Dominion Energy pipeline.
Environmentalists say the pipeline will cause harm to residents’ health and to wildlife in an area with an abundance of natural beauty and historical value.
BREDL Welcomes Jason Torian As Community Organizer
Jason Torian has joined Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League as our newest community organizer. Jason will be working closely with our Chapel Hill chapter, as well as assisting various other chapters within BREDL’s footprint.
BREDL letter to President Biden regarding U.S. Nuclear Posture Review and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
BREDL requests President Biden to take action to have the U.S. adopt the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and to make the treaty a core element of his administration’s upcoming Nuclear Posture Review.
Why do I need to be concerned with sustainable economic development?
Sustainable Economic Development is a term many recognize and few understand. The simplest and most commonly accepted definition comes from the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development. In the Bruntland Commission report, sustainable economic development is defined as “[development that]…meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In broader terms, sustainable economic development should improve the quality of life of employees and the community, while protecting public health and the environment.
BREDL comments on DOE’s consent-based siting and federal interim storage
Mar. 07, 2022: Working in communities in the Southeast since 1984, we are well aware of radioactive waste initiatives going out to potential waste dump communities. The Blue Ridge Environmental…