Supporting Vulnerable Communities of All Races
Environmental Justice
- Clean air, water and soil for all
- Government transparency and citizen input to proposed local development
- Corporate and industrial toxics emissions
- Elimination of nuclear weapons (program since 1997) “#Target 2045”
- Community pollution
- Healthy local food and access
- Pandemic adjustments
- Environmental racism and racial equity
- Heired Properties
- Landfill and toxic dumping
- Utility cost equity
Climate Change
- Safe and Clean Energy
- Replacing nuclear, coal and gas fuel sources
- No false solutions such as biomass, bridge fuels
- Apply EJ principals to clean, renewable energy sources
- Energy and transportation efficiency
- Land Use & Abuse
- Urban Sprawl
- Biodiversity
- Loss of wildlife
- Deforestation
- Consumption patterns
View the latest news, updates and resources by issue:
- All Issues
- Citizen Input for Local Development
- Clean Air, Water and Soil
- Climate Change
- Community Pollution
- Eliminating Nuclear Weapons
- Environmental Justice
- Land Use & Abuse
- Racism and Racial Equity
- Safe and Clean Energy
BREDL Holds “People’s Hearing” During DAQ Proceeding
On August 1, 2024 North Carolina’s Division of Air Quality held a public hearing for Dominion Energy’s air permit application for the proposed Moriah Energy Center (MEC) in Person County,…
MEC Air Permit Hearing Set for August 1
The North Carolina Division of Air Quality has scheduled a public hearing for Dominion Energy’s air permit application for the proposed Moriah Energy Center (MEC) in Person County, NC. The…
The League Line: Summer 2024
Cover: The Mountain Valley Pipeline Calamity Director’s Report: We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels Fool’s Gold – The False Promise of Nuclear Care-4-Air update N.C. Chamber Interferes with PFAS Standards Read…
Public Meeting to be Held to Announce Burke County Study Findings
Please join BREDL for a public meeting March 28 at 4 p.m. at Burke County Library to discuss a new report on death rates in Burke County, GA following the…
BREDL Air Monitoring Program Update
BREDL’s air monitoring trailer is scheduled to be collecting data in a Southeast community in early Spring. Our contract partner Wilbur Technical Services (Wilbur) is in the process of purchasing…
Person County Planning Board Recommends Rezoning for LNG Facility Amid Public Outrage
Residents of southeastern Person County, NC came to the Person County Office Building auditorium for the November 9 meeting of the Person County Planning Board to voice their concerns about…