For Love of Community and Neighbor
Working in rural and disadvantaged areas, our staff and volunteers put into practice the ideals of love of community and love of neighbor. BREDL is a grassroots organization: each community group solves pressing local problems by developing a citizens' campaign with goals, strategies, activities, and assessments.
The issues center on industry's dependence on toxic chemicals, utilities' refusal to adopt sound energy alternatives, industrial development and highway construction at the expense of public health, intensive livestock operations' effects on agriculture and the environment, and huge waste dumps. These are social problems with devastating environmental and public health effects. They are also the clarion call for community action. Our mission is difficult. But, in the words of BREDL Co-president James Johnson, "We don't quit; we find a way to do it."
Why “Grassroots” campaigns
Nothing creates hopefulness out of helplessness like a successful grassroots campaign. BREDL chapters and the independent organizations we serve have a history of winning. In fact, so far we have never lost a campaign. Some communities which have organized to oppose an existing facility have an image of themselves as victims.
Establishing small steps, incremental goals, and short-term projects helps to develop a sense of power. Celebrating victories elevates the human spirit and creates unity of purpose.
Environmental Democracy
BREDL has prevented the deterioration of the quality of life in communities. The preservation of local control and the promotion of clean industry have enhanced social and economic aspects of human life. Our blocking of the divide-and-conquer strategy of our opponents with the unifying theme embodied in the slogan "not here, not there, not anywhere" has created stronger, safer, and more ethical communities.